Notice is hereby given that a TWRFC Ltd EGM will be held at 7pm on Tuesday 14th of May at the Clubhouse. All Members who have paid a subscription in the 2023/24 Season are entitled to attend and those with voting rights*(Note 1) can vote.
- Welcome and Apologies
- Consideration of and, if thought fit, passing the attached Special Resolution to amend the TWRFCL Articles of Association. This change would allow The Board the flexibility to explore the possibility of moving the club from St Marks to another location.
- Voting members are: playing members over 18, Vice Presidents, Life Vice Presidents, Family Members who qualify as a volunteer, Social Members
- Any member unable to attend the EGM may appoint a proxy using a formal Proxy Notice in the attached format, to be received by the Secretary by Friday 10th May 2024
Michelle Greenall
Full Notice with Proxy Form and Special Resolution