All 3pm kick offs (please note kick off times move back to 2.30pm in November).
We have our usual pre match lunch at 1pm for 1.30pm sit down and the menu this week is basque chicken with herbed rice and citrus carrots followed by cheese and biscuits. £20 per person including entry to the game. If you would like to book a place please let Michelle know.
First XV squad:
1 Ben Williams
2 Stuart Nicholls
3 Brendan Crosilla
4 Christian Earle
5 Josh Hawkins
6 Mike Hathaway
7 Dave Allen
8 Nick Doherty
9 Max Edmonton
10 Frank Reynolds
11 Richard Murray
12 George Montgomery
13 Mike Doherty
14 Jake Caddy
15 Ryan Taylor-Dennehy (c)
16 Richard Webster
17 Carl Straeche
18 Ben Isbell
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